Bermuda College Governance
The Bermuda College was created by the Parliament of Bermuda through the passage of the Bermuda College Act in 1974. Under this Act, a Board of twelve Governors has the responsibility for the direction and management of the College. The President of Bermuda College is appointed by the Board, in consultation with the Minister of Education, and is responsible to the day to day operation of the College.
Academic Divisions
Arts & Science
The Division of Arts and Science offers eight Associate Degree programmes in Arts, Art & Design, Arts & Science, Arts (Human Services), Education, Human Services, Science and Actuarial Science.
The curriculum is designed to prepare students for spirited participation in a dynamic and ever-changing society. It also provides the foundation for specialised training in medicine, education, nursing and actuarial science.
Contact the Division of Arts and Science at 441-236-9000 ext 4442.
Business, Hospitality, & Technical Education
The Business, Hospitality, & Technical Education Division provides students with a strong foundation of education and training for careers in business and industry. Trends in these professions are consistently monitored with regular evaluations and adjustments to course offerings.
The integrated core curricula combines theoretical learning and practical applications, while reflecting the commitment of faculty to ensure that students are well equipped to compete successfully, either in a higher academic environment overseas, or in the workplace.
Contact the Division of Business, Hospitality, and Technical Education at 411-236-9000 ext 4461
Nursing & Allied Health
The Division of Nursing & Allied Health is supported and endorsed by the Bermuda Hospitals Board community, as well as the Bermuda Nursing Council, and offers students the choice of either a general pre-health track for careers in health science, such as occupational therapy, physical therapy and physician assistant; or the medical track which provides career pathways in more traditional medical fields such as pre-med, nursing, and veterinary science.
Contact the Division of Nursing & Allied Health at 441-236-9000 ext 4382.
Professional & Career Education
The Division of Professional and Career Education (PACE) supports the College's mission by creating opportunities for professional, personal, social, economic growth and development; and by promoting life long learning opportunities.
For further information please refer to the PACE website or call
441-236-9000 ext 4119
Academic Resource Centre
The Academic Resource Centre (ARC) provides FREE learning assistance and a supportive environment to all registered students who wish to maximize their learning potential at Bermuda College.
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Bookstore & Food Services
The College Bookstore serves the campus community in the purchase of textbooks and materials for all classes taught at Bermuda College, provides in-house stationery, value-priced school supplies; and supports official functions of the College with the provision of academic regalia.
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Business Services
The This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.plays an integral role in the operations of the Bermuda College. As the focal point for conducting all of the College’s business, the department is responsible for cash management, revenue collection, payments, payroll and the servicing of student accounts. The responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the College’s accounting and internal control systems and also for the reporting of the financial information of the college also fall under the umbrella of the Business Services Office. Tel: 441-239-4009
Communications & Public Relations
Communications & Public Relations is primarily responsible for marketing, recruitment, the information desk and the switchboard.
For further information please call
Counselling & Career Centre
The Counselling & Career Centre (CCC) works with you to design a plan that supports your unique journey. Qualified counsellors are ready to work with you toward the achievement of academic, career, and/or personal goals. CCC also supports campus activities, student employment, student government council, career development and financial aid, scholarships and in-house awards.
Facilities Management & Security
The Facilities Management & Security Department is responsible for the overall maintenance of the various facilities and grounds of the college campus, including painting, electrical, plumbing, air-conditioning and refrigeration maintenance contracts, the monthly elevator service, a physical security presence on campus, and the mail system.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: 239-4007
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: 236-9000 ext 4331
Human Resources & Development
The Centre for Human Resource Development is responsible for the management and support of all Human Resource functions at Bermuda College.
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Information Technology Services
The Department of Information Technology Services (ITS) provides all computing services at Bermuda College. This includes running the Help Desk, user training, installation and management of all College applications, as well as overseeing the technology infrastructure.
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Institutional Research & Planning
The Office of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. plays an important role with respect to the provision of data generated by the various departments to determine retention, persistence and graduation rates. OIR produces baseline data detailing the student population at census date each semester, extracts data from the advising process to determine retention rates, tracks academic performance, gathers information via customer satisfaction surveys, and conducts graduate surveys.
Student Enrolment, Registration & Records
As their name suggests, Student Enrolment, Registration & Records (SERR), is responsible for all aspects of admissions, registration and student records. They also oversee external testing.