Register now
Student Portal
Login to the Student Portal to register for Courses, view your Grades, get your Schedule, change your Contact Information and access your Account.
Please note, online registration is only available for current or recent students (past three terms) with an active College computer account. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
✦ Course Schedule (no login required)
✦ Instructions on how to check your balance.
✦ Instructions on how to process online payments for CPT or application fees.
✦ Instructions on how to process online payments for current students.
Online Registration Quick Reference
1. Sign in to the Student Portal with your college username and password.
2. Go to Menu > Academics > Registration > select programme and term > click Register button
3. Choose Required and/or Elective Courses > Click + sign next to courses, select the courses.
4. Click Register/Drop
5. Review then click Register/Drop button
6. Find out tuition fee - Menu > My Account > click Account Information > click Registration Bill tab
7. Pay Online at or add Bermuda College as a payee through your bank
8. Check the Portal to see your newly registered courses Menu > Academics > My Class Schedule
9. Drop a class - Registration window > Selected Courses, click the delete/drop icon (-) click the Register/Drop1
Points to Remember
- Make sure you have chosen the correct academic programme and term.
- If you don't see the green + you may be missing a pre-requisite.
- Check the home page of the portal to make sure your account is not on hold. Look for a number beside the hold icon. If it is zero you are not on hold. You can click on the number for more information.
Online Suggestion Box
On behalf of the President’s Advisory Council, please see the link below for the electronic version of the suggestion box initiative. The link will take you to a very brief, anonymous questionnaire for you to include suggestions on how to improve operational efficiency at Bermuda College. It is open to the entire campus community, and to campus visitors. All submissions will receive an automatic acknowledgement. If you wish to receive a personal response, your email will be required to be included. The choice is yours.
Fill out the online suggestion box.