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Admission Requirements


URGENT NOTICE: Bermuda College is in the process of updating the student information system. The ability to produce official transcripts has been directly impacted as a result. Work is in progress with vendor support to rectify the issue. We ask that you contact the SERR department via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via phone: (441) 239-4048 directly to determine an alternative option.


Traditional Students

High School Graduates

Bermuda College admits high school graduates and high school students who plan to graduate during the current academic year. High school seniors may apply at anytime during their senior year. Students who are enrolled in high school at the time of admission to Bermuda College are expected to meet their graduation requirements. They must submit transcripts of all courses taken to date along with their application for admission. Final high school transcripts must be submitted to the Bermuda College Student Enrolment, Registration and Records Office as soon as possible after graduation.

All applicants are encouraged to submit test scores from the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). However, these scores are NOT used for admission to the College, they, along with your Computerized Placement Test (CPT), high school transcript, and any other tests taken will assist in determining which college courses students are best prepared to take in the first semester.

General Education Diploma (GED) Recipients

The General Education Diploma (GED) will be accepted in place of a high school diploma for admission to the College for those who have not graduated from high school. To be considered for admission, submit the GED score report along with the application to the Enrolment & Records Office. Your GED score report along with your Computerized Placement Test (CPT), high school transcript, and any other tests taken will assist in determining which college courses students are best prepared to take in the first semester.

International Baccalaureate (IB)
       Diploma/Certificate Recipients

The Bermuda College will award International Baccalaureate (IB) credits to students who have passed the IB exams provided the following conditions are met:

  • The International Baccalaureate (the testing agency) has approved the high school as an “Approved High School” and the specific course has been accepted by the IB as a Higher Level IB course.
  • The student submits an official transcript of the Higher Level IB results to the Student Enrolment Registration and Records office (SERR)
  • The student received a grade of 5 or above on the Higher Level IB course exam.
  • The Higher Level IB course aligns with an equivalent course currently offered at Bermuda College.
  • A maximum of five (5) courses may be awarded credit

List of IB Higher Level Courses Approved:
(This list will be updated as additional courses are evaluated and approved)

International Baccalaureate
Higher Level 
Bermuda College Course

Biology BIO 1121 and BIO 1122

Chemistry CHM 1111 and CHM 1112

Economics ECO 1101 and ECO 1102

English ENG 1111

NOTE: Credit will be granted only if the course taken is deemed to be appropriate to the student’s academic programme.

Advanced Placement (AP) Guidelines

The Bermuda College will award Advance Placement (AP) credits to students who have passed the AP exams provided the following conditions are met:

  • The College Board (the testing agency) has approved the high school as an “Approved High School” and the specific course has been accepted by the agency.
  • The student submits an official transcript of the AP results to the Student Enrolment Registration and Records office (SERR).
  • The student received a grade of 4 or above on the course exam.
  • The AP course aligns with an equivalent course currently offered at Bermuda College
  • A maximum of five (5) courses may be awarded credit.


List of AP Courses Approved:
(This list will be updated as additional courses are evaluated and approved)

Advance Placement Bermuda College

Biology BIO 1121 and BIO 1122

Chemistry CHM 1111 and CHM 1112

Economics ECO 1101 and ECO 1102

English ENG 1111

Environmental Science  EES 1101

Mathematics MAT 1152, MAT 2233 and MAT 2234

Music MSC 1105

Psychology PSY 1101 and PSY 1102

Spanish SPA 1101 and SPA 1102

NOTE: Credit will be granted if the courses taken are deemed to be appropriate to the student’s academic programme.


Non-Traditional Students

Students Under the age of 25 without a high school diploma or GED

Students Under the age of 25 without a high school diploma or GED may be admitted based on the results of the Computerized Placement Test (CPT)*. Along with the documents below, an official transcript of all previous academic work is required. Students wishing to transfer overseas may be required to obtain a GED. Please check with the Student Enrolment, Registration and Records (SERR) Office for test dates and registration deadlines.

  • Complete the Application Form
  • Present your Bermuda Passport with Registered Status Stamp, proof of Bermudian Status or Entry Visa
  • Present reports of any other educational programmes or courses completed since leaving high school (optional)
  • Submit official transcripts & external examination results
  • Pay the application fee (non-refundable) see Tuition & Finance
  • Complete the Medical Disclosure Form

*Students are required to take a CPT placement test to determine English, reading, and mathematical skills. This requirement may be waived if the student has a Bachelor’s degree or has successfully completed a college level English or mathematics course with a grade of C or higher.
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 Students 25 years of age or older without a high school diploma or GED

Students 25 years of age or older without a high school diploma or GED may be admitted based on the results of the Computerized Placement Test (CPT)*.

*Students are required to take a CPT placement test to determine English, reading, and mathematical skills. This requirement may be waived if the student has a Bachelor’s degree or has successfully completed a college level English or mathematics course with a grade of C or higher.
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Admission Requirements for Non-Traditional Students

Students who are twenty-five years of age and over may be admitted to Bermuda College by submitting an online application and the following to the Admissions Office:

  • Complete the Application Form
  • Present your Bermuda Passport with Registered Status Stamp, proof of Bermudian Status or Entry Visa
  • Present reports of any other educational programmes or courses completed since leaving high school (optional)
  • Submit official transcripts & external examination results
  • Pay the application fee (non-refundable) see Tuition & Finance
  • Complete the Medical Disclosure Form


Returning Students

Attended within the last two academic years

If you are already admitted into an academic programme, and have attended in the last two years, you are considered a current student and are not required to re-apply. Please see your academic advisor for help with enrolling or visit the Office of Student Enrolment, Registration & Records to change your programme.

Attended more than two academic years ago.

Students previously enrolled at Bermuda College and who have not been in attendance for a minimum of two academic years are identified as returning students. These students must submit the following:

  • Complete the Application
  • Present your Bermuda Passport with Registered Status Stamp, proof of Bermudian Status or Entry Visa
  • Submit official transcripts for studies outside Bermuda College since last enrolled, if applicable
  • Pay the application fee (non-refundable) see Tuition & Finance
  • Complete the Medical Disclosure Form


If students have been away from Bermuda College for five years or more they may be eligible for the Fresh Start programme.

Bermuda College recognises that students who have previously enrolled at the institution may not have performed at a level that reflects their true academic ability. In recognition of this, the College has adopted an Academic Fresh Start policy which is offered to students who re-enrol at the institution to complete a programme of study after five (5) years absence. In order to be eligible for an Academic Fresh Start, students must not have been enrolled in any post-secondary institutions for at least five (5) years. This does not apply to enrolment in professional or career education courses.

Prior to applying for Academic Fresh Start, review the following terms and conditions: Students must apply for the Academic Fresh Start through the Student Enrolment, Registration and Records (SERR) Office at the commencement of re-admission but no later than the mid-term break of the first semester of reenrolment. NOTE: Academic Fresh Start applies only to courses taken at Bermuda College prior to readmission.

  • Students should meet with a counsellor to discuss their academic goals.
  • Students must appear before a committee consisting of the Dean, the student’s counsellor and advisor to review first semester grades and the application form. This committee will approve or decline the application and forward the decision to the SERR Office.
  • Students must understand that all grades earned at Bermuda College will remain on the official transcript; however, only grades earned after the awarding of the Academic Fresh Start will be calculated in the final GPA. Their transcripts will also be annotated such that it is clear that an Academic Fresh Start has been granted.
  • An Academic Fresh Start will be granted only once and is not automatic or guaranteed.
  • An Academic Fresh Start does not apply to any completed degree or certificate. An Academic Fresh Start is irreversible; once applied it cannot be reversed.
  • Once an Academic Fresh start is granted, prior coursework cannot be used to satisfy prerequisite or degree requirements.
  • Students granted Academic Fresh Start will fall under the Bermuda College Catalogue in effect at the time their Fresh Start was granted.
  • Appeal Process: If students wish to appeal the decision of the committee, the appeal must be made in writing to the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, whose decision will be final.

Academic Fresh Start Application


International Students

Admission Requirements

International students from countries other than the United States and Canada should contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for application information. International student Entry Permits will be issued only to persons who are pursuing a full-time course of study at Bermuda College. International students cannot seek employment.

International students from the United States and Canada may apply and then complete a Bermuda Department of Immigration form.  

International students must graduate from high school with a minimum GPA of 2.0 or enter as a mature student over the age of 21. Along with the completed application form, other requirements include:

  • Documents - certified original copies of academic records must be accompanied by original, certified English translations. Also submit the course descriptions and grading descriptions used at your college if you are requesting transfer credit.
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores - required of all students coming from countries in which English is not the official language; a minimum score of either 550 on the paper-based exam or 213 on the computer-based exam is required.
  • A letter of recommendation from a school official letting us know why he or she thinks you would be a successful student.
  • Non-refundable application fee of US$100.00 by April 15th (bank draft payable to Bermuda College)
  • Department of Immigration Application for Residence Formwith all supporting documents as listed on their 'Get an Application for Residence' webpage.

Application Deadline

Completed applications with all supplemental documents and the Application to Reside and Attend College in Bermuda must be submitted in the Spring for the Fall semester. Please see our Academic Calendar for dates. Bermuda College accepts international students only in the Fall semester. Applicants should note that all documents become the property of Bermuda College and will not be returned.