Computerized Placement Tests (CPT)
All incoming students are required to complete the Computerized Placement Tests.
The CPTs were developed by the College Entrance Examination Board, and are designed to identify skill levels in various subjects.
What do the tests involve?
- English (Reading and Writing) and Math are the tests that provide a general idea of the level at which students will be placed in English and Math courses. These are computerized tests. In addition, a written essay that requires the student to write on a given topic within an allotted time will help to identify the student’s writing skills.
- There are five tests in the CPT, most of which consist of multiple choice questions.
- Reading Comprehension – measures one’s ability to understand what is read
- Sentence Skills – measures one’s understanding of how sentences are constructed, and how to make a sentence complete
- Mathematics – consists of Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra and possibly, college-level Mathematics
After reviewing the test scores, and high school records (where applicable), advisors will assist in advising which entry level course(s) will be suited to the student’s needs.
As the CPT is computerized, you will be presented with only between 12 – 30 questions in one or more of the five test areas. Each subject area usually takes students on average 15-20 minutes to complete. The tests are not timed, so that students can give each question as much attention as needed.
Questions will appear one at a time on the computer screen, along with easy to understand instructions and other information. As most of the questions are multiple-choice, students are only required to use the space bar to select the desired answer. When a question has been completed and the answer verified, a new screen will appear with the next question or set of instructions.
The CPT uses adaptive testing techniques. This means that the computer automatically determines which questions are presented based on your responses to prior questions.
Preparing for the CPT
Students need to focus on the following areas of study when preparing for the Computerized Placement Test:
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Ratio and Proportion
- Percentages
- Integers
- Directed Numbers
- Equations
- Applications
Register for the CPT
Book an appointment on Calendly for your CPT Test.Note: Make sure to report to the Testing & Assessment Centre (Hallet Hall) by 8:45 a.m. Students must allow at least three hours for the test.