Jump shot on spirit day


Campus Activities

Campus activities are generated by student, staff and faculty interest.  For example, intramurals include archery, football and basketball.
The community is connected to the college through Outreach Programs and Extramural Activities such as basketball, football and netball.

college app iconWe also offer a number of extra-curricular activities in the form of  clubs and organisations, student employment and student government.

Download the free Bermuda College mobile app from the iStore or Google Play for more of the student events, activities on campus.


GYM Rules

  • No one under the age of 17 is allowed in the gym.
  • No street clothes allowed - only proper gym attire.
  • Water only allowed - No other food or drink.
  • Respect others users - allow others to use the equipment while resting.


Weight Room Rules

  • Always sign in and out
  • No street clothes allowed - proper weight room attire only.
  • Wipe down the machines after each use.
  • Put all weights back properly when finished.
  • Water only allowed - No other food or drink.
  • Respect others users - allow others to use the equipment while resting.
  • No one under the age of seventeen is allowed in the weight room.
  • Staff & students are allowed 2 guest but they must be present with their guests at all times
  • Any person found violating these rules will be asked to leave.


College Events

These are just a few of the current events, download the free Bermuda College mobile app from the iStore or Google Play for all of the student events and activities on campus.