Diploma in Hospitality Management
This programme provides students with the basic education and training in Hospitality Management and is designed for students who want to enter the workforce directly after graduation. Students will complete a 12 week internship programme in hospitality organisations where they will rotate through the front and back of the house departments.
Programme Details
Year 1
First semester - 13 credits
CSC 1110 Learning Strategies for Student Success 1
ENG 1044 Communications for Industry I 3
HMT 1155 Intro to the Hospitality Industry 3
CUL 1104 Sanitation & Safety 2
FAB 1100 Food Service I 4
Second semester - 15 credits
ENG 1045 Communications for Industry II 3
HMT 1120 Intro to Lodging Management 3
CKN 1102 Kitchen Theory and Practice I 4
CUL 1131 Nutrition 2
MGN 1129 Customer Service Skills 3
HMT 1175 summer internship 3
Year 2
First semester - 12 credits
MAT 1034 Business Mathematics 3
MGN 1017 Foundations in Business 3
ACC 1041 Practical Accounting Procedures I 3
HMT 1265 Hospitality Sales & Marketing 3
Second semester - 12 credits
MGN 1116 Tourism 3
HMT 2255 Hospitality Supervisory Practice 3
HMT 2260 Food and Beverage Management 3
CIS 1120 Intro to Business Applications of Computers 3