Become a DJ

Introduction to the Art of DJ’ing

Virtual Parties, sets or at the top of your game, and in demand with this new skill!

This introductory programme is an ideal way to jump start your dreams! Students will work with a team of all-star DJ instructors to learn DJ history, the basics of mixing theory and song structure, beat matching, blending and DJ technology. The curriculum is designed to accommodate all styles of music and includes both theory and practical components.

TDS DJ1 A1  $895
Student Centre HYBRID Format*
Monday, Thursday, & Saturday 6:00-8:00pm
Note: The course has been cancelled this semester but will return in February 2024

Course fee includes all materials and DJ Bundle sets.
Practical sessions will be held in the BC radio studio. Materials are not included in the fee.


*HYBRID INSTRUCTION These are face-to-face class formats with some online instruction substituting traditional lecture time.