Certificate in Applied Science Technology
This programme is designed primarily for students who require technical core subjects to be successful in the various Technical programmes. This unique programme allows students to complete core courses while exploring the various technical disciplines and enhancing their mathematics, science, communication and computer skills.
Programme Details
Year 1
First semester - 13 credits
CSC 1110 Learning Strategies for Student Success 1
TMM 1001 Technical Math I 3
TSM 1101 Technical Science I 4
NCC 1110 Intro to Construction Technology and Trades/Technical Job Skills 5
Second semester - 13 credits
TSM 1102 Technical Science II 4
TEC 1004 Intro to Electricity and Electronics 3
TEC 1006 Intro to Materials and Mechanics 3
ENG 1044 Communications for Industry 3
Year 2
Third semester - 13 credits
TEC 1000 Intro to Computer Aided Technical Drawing 3
TEC 1002 Intro to Programming for Technicians 3
TEC 1010 Intro to Engineering and Design 3
Technical Electives* (choose any 1100-level course from PLM, ELN, MVT, HVA, CIS) 4
Fourth semester - 11 credits
TEC 1020** Capstone Project for Technology and Trades 3
Technical Electives* (choose any 1100-level course from PLM, ELN, MVT, HVA, CIS) 8
*Before taking technical electives one must have satisfactorily completed TMM 1101, TSM 1101,NCC 1110, TEC 1100, ENG 1044
**One must be in the final semester of this programme