Close up of pi writing A coaching component is being attached to traditional leadership business models to introduce an entirely new way of leading teams and staff. Locally, the International Coaching and Leadership Institute (ICLI) is partnering with Bermuda College to bring the Coaching Foundations Certificate suite to Bermuda.

The International coaching and leadership institute (ICLI) is partnering with Bermuda college 


A coaching component is being attached to traditional leadership business models to introduce an entirely new way of leading teams and staff. Locally, the International Coaching and Leadership Institute (ICLI) is partnering with Bermuda College to bring the Coaching Foundations Certificate suite to Bermuda, under the auspices of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the gold standard of professional coaching in the United States and beyond.

The partnership was recently announced through a joint press release viewable here.


This is one of at least seven new courses that will be available in the Fall Course Schedule! Courses range from Digital Transformation to Special Topics in Biology with Dr. Carika Weldon. Stay tuned for more news about these and other exciting courses!