
Close up of pi writing It is with great sadness that we announce the recent passing of Lt. Col. Michael Darling, Former Commanding Officer of the Bermuda Regiment, successful businessman and Honorary Fellow (1995).

Bermuda College mourns passing of Lt. Col. Michael Darling

It is with great sadness that we announce the recent passing of Lt. Col. Michael Darling, Former Commanding Officer of the Bermuda Regiment, successful businessman and Honorary Fellow (1995).

Col. Darling could be counted on for dedicated commitment and passion to whatever he undertook. Cedar trees and Bermuda College were two that readily come to mind. He had over 100 cedar trees growing on his Warwick property, developed from a love to see them restored to their former abundance on the Island before the blight destroyed most of them. He was also an active and effective leader of the Bermuda National Trust, serving as Trust President from 1977 to 1979 and from 1982 to 1984.

Michael Darling

Current Chairman of the Company of Honorary Fellows, the Hon. Randolph Horton recalled being recruited to the august group by Col. Darling. "He sought out people who he believed could benefit the College and make a contribution to its ongoing advancement" he said. "He was a very ardent supporter of the College and believed in giving people an opportunity in a fair way."

Funeral arrangements for Lt. Col. Darling are pending. To commemorate his memory, the Bermuda College flag will fly at half-mast until the day of the funeral. Please remember his wife, Elaine, sons and daughters and their families in your thoughts and prayers during this time of bereavement.